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In SAA, each member determines what behavior she or he needs to stop. Our experience has shown that addiction to relationships, romantic obsession, and compulsive avoidance of sex can be included among such behaviors, along with other behaviors more commonly considered "sexual."

What is SAA?

Sex Addicts Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they may overcome their sexual addiction and help others recover from sexual addiction and dependency.
-Taken from official literature of Sex Addicts Anonymous ®,  © ISO of SAA, Inc.

Each meeting is unique and has different characteristics. At some meetings members share the story of their addiction and recovery, or they share their experience of working one of the 12 Steps, others allow members to discuss various topics or problems that relate to sex addiction and recovery, others concentrate on reading and discussing the literature of SAA. Whatever the format, the main purpose of each meeting is to help everyone stay sober from bottom line behaviors.

When attending their first meeting, newcomers are greeted by two or more members to help introduce the program and answer any questions the newcomers may have. Anyone can attend our meetings, the only requirement is a desire to stop addictive behavior.

How do I know if I am a Sex Addict?

Sex Addicts Anonymous ® has published a 12 question quiz that could help determine if you are a sex addict. Many of our current members say that this quiz helped them realize that this program was for them; maybe if can help you too.

SAA of Southern Arizona is an autonomous registered fellowship composed of registered groups of recovering sex addicts who follow the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Sex Addicts Anonymous® (SAA). The views expressed on this website are those of SAA of Southern Arizona and do not necessarily represent those of Sex Addicts Anonymous as a whole. The official website of Sex Addicts Anonymous® (http://www.saa-recovery.org) is overseen by the ISO of SAA, Inc., through its Board of Trustees who are elected by delegates who represent its member groups.